In praise of Judĉus Erectus (The Jew upright)
While considering the events related all along these few pages, one is tempted to notice that they are 70 years old, and for those who are younger than they are, it is almost as if they had never existed. Rightfully so.
In the mean time, the iron curtain collapsed together with soviet tyranny, and with it, the temptation of Europe conquest. Germany, this old hereditary enemy, has become a partner. The many century old storms have subsided in the Balkans. By creating the European Union, one has buried the hatchet.
In the face of these profound changes, the third generation is often asking a healthy question: which side did my grand parents choose during the murky years?
All of this should inevitably incite us to celebrate the end of the nightmare.
But, we are deeply concerned by certain contemporary events worthy of the thirties. For good reasons. In a wiser Europe, the old prewar antisemitism should have disappeared. And yet, the streets are again not very safe any more for the Jew, and the threat is by far not limited to old Europe. Indeed, two lessons have emerged from the Holocaust. For people of good will, it has been a lesson of horrors. However, for criminal minds, the Holocaust has shown that exclusion and extermination remain an opportunity.
In the face of this dual reality, the Jew has much changed since the thirties. A new species has been born. The unbearable Judĉus Erectus who does not take things any more like he used to. Thank god!